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Small productions (1-1000 pcs)

Large productions (> 1000 pcs)

Single pieces

Production in the Netherlands

Own studio

Large productions within the EU

Sample collections

Production in The Netherlands or EU

Are you looking for a reliable party that can realize your clothing production? Fashion & Pattern Design is not only a production company for the fashion industry but a one-stop shop for your entire collection. From designing clothing finding its way to the store, we relieve the customer. No surprises, clear quotes, fair prices and reliable delivery are our promise to which we produce.



For small productions from 1 to 1000 items of clothing, we prefer to produce in our own workshop in Zaandam. Our team of craftsmen are flexible and focused on the efficient production of high-quality clothing. Larger productions are produced within Europe. We deliberately do not opt ​​for low-wage countries because of our vision on the fashion industry. For us, sustainability is producing close by and against verifiable employment conditions.



If you are interested in what we can do for you, please contact us using the form below or look at the other services we provide.

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